
New study

New study "Microbial composition of Saharan dust plumes deposited as red rain in Granada (Southern Spain)", in which we are involved, has been published.

New study "Utilization of deep learning tools to map and monitor biological soil crusts"!

The study "Utilization of deep learning tools to map and monitor biological soil crusts" was published in Elsevier's journal "Ecological Informatics"!

Granting of “Viktor-Obendrauf-Preis“

Viktor-Obendrauf-Preis for the Master thesis “Mediation of Climate Change topics in the 8th grade of Austrian schools”

Visit of our Chinese project partners

We were very happy to be visited by our Chinese project partners from the Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences.

New Study "Biological soil crusts as a major ecosystem component in sandization areas of the Brazilian Pampa"

Our new study "Biological soil crusts as a major ecosystem component in sandization areas of the Brazilian Pampa" was published in Geoderma Regional.

New Study "Arduinos in the wild: A novel, low-cost sensor network for high-resolution microclimate monitoring in remote ecosystems"

Our new study "Arduinos in the wild: A novel, low-cost sensor network for high-resolution microclimate monitoring in remote ecosystems" was published in Ecological Solutions and Evidence.

New biocrust studies, we are participating in, have been published!

The studies 'Key drivers of the annual carbon budget of biocrusts from various climatic zones determined with a mechanistic data-driven model', 'Towards an understanding of future range shifts in lichens and mosses under climate change' and 'A research agenda for non-vascular photoautotrophs under climate change' have been published in the journals Biogeosciences Discussions, Journal of Biogeography and New Phytologist.

New Study 'Identification and quantification of giant bioaerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest'

We are happy to announce publication of the study 'Identification and quantification of giant bioaerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest'.